Operators (bpy.ops)
Calling Operators
Provides python access to calling operators, this includes operators written in C, Python or macros.
Only keyword arguments can be used to pass operator properties.
Operators don’t have return values as you might expect,
instead they return a set() which is made up of:
Common return values are {'FINISHED'}
Calling an operator in the wrong context will raise a RuntimeError
there is a poll() method to avoid this problem.
Note that the operator ID (bl_idname) in this example is mesh.subdivide
is just the access path for python.
Keywords and Positional Arguments
For calling operators keywords are used for operator properties and positional arguments are used to define how the operator is called.
There are 3 optional positional arguments (documented in detail below).
bpy.ops.test.operator(override_context, execution_context, undo)
override_context -
type.execution_context -
(enum).undo -
Each of these arguments is optional, but must be given in the order above.
import bpy
# calling an operator
bpy.ops.mesh.subdivide(number_cuts=3, smoothness=0.5)
# check poll() to avoid exception.
if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
Overriding Context
It is possible to override context members that the operator sees, so that they act on specified rather than the selected or active data, or to execute an operator in the different part of the user interface.
The context overrides are passed as a dictionary, with keys matching the context
member names in bpy.context.
For example to override bpy.context.active_object
you would pass {'active_object': object}
You will nearly always want to use a copy of the actual current context as basis (otherwise, you’ll have to find and gather all needed data yourself).
# remove all objects in scene rather than the selected ones
import bpy
override = bpy.context.copy()
override['selected_objects'] = list(bpy.context.scene.objects)
Execution Context
When calling an operator you may want to pass the execution context.
This determines the context that is given for the operator to run in, and whether invoke() is called or only execute().
is used by default, running only the execute()
method, but you may
want the operator to take user interaction with INVOKE_DEFAULT
which will also
call invoke() if existing.
The execution context is one of:
# collection add popup
import bpy
It is also possible to run an operator in a particular part of the user interface. For this we need to pass the window, screen, area and sometimes a region.
# maximize 3d view in all windows
import bpy
for window in bpy.context.window_manager.windows:
screen = window.screen
for area in screen.areas:
if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
override = {'window': window, 'screen': screen, 'area': area}
- Action Operators
- Anim Operators
- Armature Operators
- Asset Operators
- Boid Operators
- Brush Operators
- Buttons Operators
- Cachefile Operators
- Camera Operators
- Clip Operators
- Cloth Operators
- Collection Operators
- Console Operators
- Constraint Operators
- Curve Operators
- Cycles Operators
- Dpaint Operators
- Ed Operators
- Export Anim Operators
- Export Mesh Operators
- Export Scene Operators
- File Operators
- Fluid Operators
- Font Operators
- Geometry Operators
- Gizmogroup Operators
- Gpencil Operators
- Graph Operators
- Image Operators
- Import Anim Operators
- Import Curve Operators
- Import Mesh Operators
- Import Scene Operators
- Info Operators
- Lattice Operators
- Marker Operators
- Mask Operators
- Material Operators
- Mball Operators
- Mesh Operators
- Nla Operators
- Node Operators
- Object Operators
- Outliner Operators
- Paint Operators
- Paintcurve Operators
- Palette Operators
- Particle Operators
- Pose Operators
- Poselib Operators
- Preferences Operators
- Ptcache Operators
- Render Operators
- Rigidbody Operators
- Safe Areas Operators
- Scene Operators
- Screen Operators
- Script Operators
- Sculpt Operators
- Sequencer Operators
- Sound Operators
- Spreadsheet Operators
- Surface Operators
- Text Operators
- Texture Operators
- Transform Operators
- Ui Operators
- Uv Operators
- View2D Operators
- View3D Operators
- Wm Operators
- Workspace Operators
- World Operators