Bump Node

The Bump node generates a perturbed normal from a height texture, for bump mapping. The height value will be sampled at the shading point and two nearby points on the surface to determine the local direction of the normal.
- Strength
Strength of the bump mapping effect, interpolating between no bump mapping and full bump mapping.
- Distance
Multiplier for the height value to control the overall distance for bump mapping.
- Height
Scalar value giving the height offset from the surface at the shading point; this is where you plug in textures.
- Normal
Standard normal input.
- Invert
Invert the bump mapping, to displace into the surface instead of out.
- Normal
Standard normal output.
If the Height input is not connected, the node becomes a no-op that outputs its Normal input as is, or defaults to the geometry normal if not connected. Routing a node group input via a no-op Bump node before doing math effectively makes it default to normal.

The above node setup will only bump the diffuse part of the shader, simulating a bumpy diffuse surface coated with a smooth glossy “glaze” layer.