
The key-map editor lets you adjust your key-map via:

Presets:Predefined key-maps which come with Blender and can be added to.
Preferences:Key-maps may define their own preferences to change the functionality or add additional key bindings.
Key Map Items:You may add/remove/edit individual key-map entries.

Blender Preferences Key-map section.

Preset Management

Keymap Presets
Select the key-map from a list of predefined key-maps.
Importing opens a File Browser to select a .py file to add to the list of key-map presets.

Saves the current key-map configuration as a preset others may use.

All Keymaps

When disabled, only the key-maps and categories that have been modified by the user will be exported. In addition, add-ons may register key-maps to their respective functions, however, these key-maps are not exported unless changed by the user. This exported file may be thought of as a «key-map delta» instead of a full key-map export.

When enabled, the entire key-map is written.


Filter Type
Search the key-map item by the operator name it runs.
Key Binding

Search the key-map item by the key used to activate it.


You could for example search with Ctrl Shift C for key-map items that use all these keys.

The text to search (leave blank to disable).


Key-maps may define their own preferences, these are predefined adjustments to the key-map you can make without having to manually adjust individual key-map items which can cause problems with newer Blender Versions.

See the default key-map preferences for options available in the default key-map.


The Key-map editor lets you change the default Hotkeys. You can change key-maps for each of Blender’s editors.


Key-map editor.


  1. Select the key-map you want to change and click on the white arrows to open up the key-map tree.
  2. Select which Input will control the function.
  3. Change hotkeys as you want. Just click on the shortcut input and enter the new shortcut.
Un-check to disable this key-map item.
Map Type
Single hotkey or key-combination.
Actions from mouse buttons, tablet or track-pad input.
Movement from a 3D mouse (NDOF) device.
Mouse click and drag (optionally map drag direction to different actions).
Text Input
Use this function by entering a text.
Used to control actions based on a time period. e.g. By default, Animation Step uses «Timer 0», Smooth View uses «Timer 1».
Operator ID Name

The identifier for the operator to call.


See bpy.ops for a list of operators (remove the bpy. prefix for the identifier).

The key or button that activates this key-map item (depending on the map-type).
The action (such as press, release, click, drag, etc.), (depending on the map-type).
Additional keys to hold (such as Ctrl, Shift, Alt).
Operator Properties
Changes to the defaults properties this operator is activated with

Ver también

Keymap Customization for more information on key-map editing.


If you want to restore the default settings for a key-map, just click on the Restore button at the top right of this key-map.


Instead of deleting the default key-map to create your custom one, you can just add a new Preset for both the mouse and keyboard.

Known Limitations

Blender Versions

A problem with modifying your own key-map is newer Blender versions key change the way tools are accessed, breaking your customized key-map.

While the key-map can be manually updated, the more customizations you make, the higher the chance of conflicts in newer Blender versions is.