Principled Volume¶
The Principled Volume shader combines all volume shading components into a single easy to use node. Volumes like smoke and fire can be rendered with a single shader node, which includes scattering, absorption and blackbody emission.
- Color
Volume scattering color.
- Color Attribute
Volume grid for coloring the volume. Use «color» for smoke simulations.
- Densidad
Density of the volume.
- Density Attribute
Volume grid to define the density, typically «density».
- Anisotropy
Backward or forward scattering direction.
- Absorption Color
Volume shadow color tint.
- Emission Strength
Amount of light to emit.
- Emission Color
Emission color tint.
- Blackbody Intensity
Blackbody emission for fire. Set to 1 for physically accurate intensity.
- Blackbody Tint
Color tint for blackbody emission.
- Temperatura
Temperature in kelvin for blackbody emission, higher values emit more.
- Temperature Attribute
Volume grid to define the temperature, typically «temperature».
Este nodo no tiene propiedades.
- Volumen
Salida estándar de shader.