Node UV Along Stroke


Node UV Along Stroke.

Le node UV Along Stroke d’entrée est des textures maps longueur du trait, lui permettant d’imiter un crayon, pinceau, et autres marques de media d’art.

Dans Blender Render les options équivalentes se trouvent dans le panneau Properties editor ‣ Texture ‣ Mapping.


Ces UV maps ne sont disponibles que pendant le processus de rendu de Freestyle. Ainsi, le node UV Along Stroke ne peut pas être remplacé par le node d’entrée UV Map conventionnel qui prend un UV Map existant déjà défini comme une partie de données de maillage.


Ce node n’a pas d’entrée.


Astuces d’utilisation
Allows to use lower quarters of a texture image for the head and tail tips of a stroke, while the upper half for the stroke body.


UV maps définis sur des traites.


The following screen capture shows a typical shader node tree that maps a floral texture image along strokes. The UV Along Stroke input node retrieves UV maps defined by Freestyle along generated strokes, and feeds them to the Vector input channel of the Image Texture node. A texture image is selected in the Image Texture node, and its color is fed to the Alpha channel of the Line Style Output node. Since the Alpha Factor is set to one, the texture image replaces the base alpha transparency of the active line style (shown in the Freestyle Line Style panel). On the other hand, the Mix blend mode is selected in the Line Style Output node with the Color Factor set to zero, so that the gradient line color specified in the active line style is applied along strokes.

It is noted that the texture image FS_floral_brush.png shown in the screen capture is an example of Freestyle brush images with tips. Specifically, the upper half of the image is used as a seamless horizontal tile of the stroke body, whereas the parts in the lower half are tips (stroke caps) at both ends of the stroke.