Knife Project¶
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Mode Édition
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Knife projection is a non-interactive tool where you can use objects to cookie-cut into the mesh rather than hand drawing the line. The outline of selected objects that are not in Edit Mode are used to cut the mesh along the view axis of objects that are in Edit Mode. Afterwards the resulting geometry inside the cutters outline will be selected. Outlines can be a wireframe or boundary edges (i.e. the unconnected edges of a mesh).
Les primitives, étant des objets multiples, n’ont pas d’arêtes filaires ou frontières. Dans le cas du cube, la suppression de la face supérieure entraînera des arêtes de coupe. Select Non-Manifold (Mailles, Limites) mettra en évidence les arêtes de coupe des objets maillés.
To use Knife Project, in Edit Mode, select the cutting object (Ctrl-LMB) and choose
3D Viewport Alignment pour ajuster l’axe de projection.
- Cut Through
Projects the cut through the entire mesh.