Grease Pencil

This Mode allows you adjust the timing of the Grease Pencil object’s animation frames. It is especially useful for animators blocking out shots, where the ability to re-time blocking is one of the main purposes of the whole exercise.

This mode can be accessed by changing the Dope Sheet editor’s Mode selector (found in the header to the far left) to Grease Pencil.

To use this editor mode, make sure you have a Grease Pencil object selected.


Région des canaux

Grease Pencil (light blue)

The channels” region shows the Grease Pencil data-blocks containing the layers. Multiple blocks are used for each area (e.g. one for the 3D Viewport and the Image editor).

Layers (gray)

These channels contain the keyframes to which the layers are bound.


Controls the layers Opacity.

Mask (mask icon)

Toggle the Masks visibility.

Onion Skinning (icône de peau d’oignon)

Toggle the use the layer for Onion Skinning.

Viewport/Render Visibility (icône œil)

Active/désactive la visibilité du matériau dans la Vue 3D et dans le rendu.

Lock Animation (checkbox icon)

Toggles playback of animation or keep the channel static.

Lock (icône cadenas)

Active/désactive l’édition du calque.

Vue principale

Les trames clés peuvent être manipulées comme n’importe quelle autre donnée dans le Dope Sheet. Les trames clés interpolées (alias breakdowns) sont visualisées comme de petits points bleu clair.