The Image Editor is where you can view/edit 2D assets like images or textures.

テスト用グリッドテクスチャが Image Editor(画像エディター) に表示されています。
- Sample Tool
Used to sample a pixel's color from anywhere within Blender.
- Sample Size(サンプルサイズ)
The dimensions of the square used to sample underlying pixels. If larger than 1 the resulting sample is an average of all underlying pixels.
- Annotate(アノテート)
詳細については Annotations(アノテーション) を参照してください。
- Mode(モード)
- View(ビュー)
Displays Images.
- Paint(ペイント)
- Mask(マスク)
Masking 。
- View(ビュー)
コンテンツをエディタ内でどのように表示するかを制御するツールです。ナビゲート を参照してください。
- Image(画像)
画像を開き、操作するためのツールについては、Editing(編集) を参照してください。
- Image(画像)
A data-block menu used for selecting images. When an image has been loaded or created in the Image editor, the Image panel appears in the Sidebar region. See 画像の設定.
Render Result
- Image Pin(画像を固定)
- Slot(スロット)
You can save successive renders into the render buffer by selecting a new slot before rendering. If an image has been rendered to a slot, it can be viewed by selecting that slot. Empty slots appear as blank grids in the Image editor. Use the J and Alt-J to cycle forwards and backwards through saved renders. Alternatively you can use the number keys 1, 2, 3, etc, to select the slot with the corresponding number. A slot can be renamed by double clicking its name in the Image panel in the Sidebar.
- View Layer(ビューレイヤー)
If you are using View Layers, use this menu to select which layer is displayed.
- Render Pass(レンダーパス)
If you are using Render Passes, use this menu to select which pass is displayed.
- Viewport Gizmos(ビューポートギズモ)
- Selectively show or hide specific gizmo controls that are displayed in the 2D viewport.
All gizmos can be hidden or shown at once with the toggle next to the pop-over arrow.
- Display Channels(表示チャンネル)
- Color and Alpha
Replaces transparent pixels with background checkerboard, denoting the alpha channel.
- Color(カラー)
Display the colored image, without alpha channel.
- Alpha(アルファ)
Displays the Alpha channel a grayscale image. White areas are opaque, black areas have an alpha of 0.
- Z-Buffer(Zバッファー)
Display the depth from the camera, from Clip Start to Clip End, as specified in the Camera settings.
- Red(赤)、Green(緑)、Blue(青)
Single Color Channel visualized as a grayscale image.
When LMB / RMB dragging mouse the color under the cursor is shown in the footer as well the cursor position and the color values in the RGBA, HSV and Luminance Color Model.