
ステータスバーはBlenderウィンドウの下部にあり、キーボードショートカット、メッセージ、統計情報などのコンテキスト情報を表示します。ステータスバーを非表示にするには、Windows(ウィンドウ) メニューの Show Status Bar(ステータスバーを表示) を無効にするか、上端を下にドラッグします。




The left side of the Status Bar displays mouse button shortcuts and the keymap of the active tool. In editors with a Toolbar, tapping Alt (or Option on macOS) shows the hotkeys to change to a desired tool.


This functionality can be disabled with the Alt Click Tool Prompt preference in the Keymap Preferences).





Shows the progress of the currently running task (such as rendering or baking). Hovering the mouse pointer over the progress bar will display a time estimate. The task can be aborted by clicking the cancel button ().


ファイルの保存後などの情報メッセージや警告が表示されます。少しの時間が経つと消えます。メッセージをクリックすると Info(情報) エディター に、完全なメッセージが表示されます。


The right side of the Status Bar displays information about the Blender instance. Which information is shown can be chosen by RMB on the Status Bar or in the Preferences.

Scene Statistics(シーン統計)

Shows information about the data in the active scene.

  • Collection: The name of the active Collection.

  • Active Object: The name of the active selected object.

  • Geometry: Information about the current scene depending on the mode and object type. This can be the number of vertices, faces, triangles, or bones.

  • Objects: The number of selected objects and the total count of objects.

Scene Duration

Shows the total amount of time of the playback along with the current frame number and total frame count. The format of the duration text is determined by the Timecode Style.

System Memory(システムメモリ)

Shows an estimate of Blender's RAM consumption. On a single-instance single-machine scenario, this estimate provides a measurement against the hardware limit of the machine.

Extensions Updates

Shows the number of extensions with available updates.

Blender Version(Blenderバージョン)

Shows the version number of Blender that is currently running.