Painel Renderizar


O painel Renderizar.

Renderizar F12
Starts rendering a still image of the current frame.
Atalho: Ctrl-F12
Starts rendering an animation. See Rendering Animations for more detail.
Mixes all the audio found in a scene and saves into one file. See Introdução.

By default the biggest area is replaced with the UV/Image Editor and the render appears.

To cancel the rendering process click the cancel button X besides the progress bar in the Info Editor, or press Esc.


Renders are displayed in the UV/Image Editor. You can set the way this is displayed to several different options in the Display menu:

Manter a interface de usuário
The image is rendered to the UV/Image Editor, but the UI remains the same. You will need to open the UV/Image Editor manually to see the render result.
Nova janela
A new floating window opens up, displaying the render.
Editor de imagens e UVs
One of the existing editors is replaced with the UV/Image Editor, showing the render.
Tela cheia
The UV/Image Editor replaces the UI, showing the render.
Bloquear interface
Bloqueia a interface durante a renderização de maneira a fornecer mais memória ao renderizador.