Abas e painéis¶
Tabs are used to control overlapping sections in the user interface. Contents of only one Tab is visible at a time. Tabs are listed in Tab header, which can be vertical or horizontal.
Alternando ou reciclando¶
Vertical tabs can be switched with Ctrl-Wheel from anywhere in the region, and horizontal tabs with mouse cursor over tab headings.
You can also cycle through tabs with Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab, or press down LMB and move mouse over tab header icons.
The smallest organizational unit in the user interface is a panel. Panel header is always visible, and it shows the title for the panel. Panels may also include sub-panels.
Encolhendo e expandindo¶
Panels can be expanded to show, and collapsed to hide its contents, shown by a triangle on the panel header. Collapsed panel is indicated by down-arrow (▼) and expanded panel by right-arrow (►).
- Um clique com o BEM no cabeçalho do painel permite expandir ou encolher o mesmo.
- Pressionar A expande ou encolhe o painel logo abaixo do ponteiro do mouse.
- Clicar com o Ctrl-BEM no cabeçalho de um painel específico irá encolher todos os outros painéis e tornar este o único expandido.
- Arrastar com o BEM sobre os cabeçalhos irá expandir ou encolher muitos painéis em uma única operação.
You can change the position of a panel within its region by clicking and dragging it with the LMB on the grip widget (::::) located in Panel Header on the right side.
Sometimes it is desirable to view panels from different tabs at the same time. This has been solved by making panels pinnable.
A pinned panel remains visible regardless of which tab has been selected. You can pin a panel by clicking on the pin icon in its header. Panels that do not have a pin icon can also be pined by RMB and selecting Pin, alternatively you use Shift-LMB on the panel to also pin it.
O fator de ampliação de uma região contendo os painéis como um todo pode ser alterada através do atalho Ctrl-BMM , movendo o mouse para quaisquer direções dentro desta região ou através da utilização dos atalhos Tecl. Num. + e Tecl. Num. - para ampliar ou reduzir a visualização dos conteúdos. Pressionar o atalho Home (Mostrar tudo) irá redefinir a ampliação na tela ou painel focado pelo ponteiro do mouse.