Fluido - Obstáculo


Panel:Physics ‣ Fluid

This object will be used as an obstacle in the simulation. As with a fluid object, obstacle objects currently should not intersect. As for fluid objects, the actual mesh geometry is used for obstacles. For objects with a volume, make sure that the normals of the obstacle are calculated correctly, and radiating properly (use the Mesh ‣ Normals ‣ Recalculate Outside in mesh edit mode), particularly when using a spinned container. Applying a Subdivision Surface Modifier before baking the simulation could also be a good idea if the mesh is not animated.


Tipo de inicialização de volume
See Volume Initialization Type.
Slip type

Determines the stickiness of the obstacle surface, called «Surface Adhesion». Surface Adhesion depends in the real world on the fluid and the graininess or friction/adhesion/absorption qualities of the surface.

Sem deslizamento
Causes the fluid to stick to the obstacle (zero velocity).
Deslizamento livre
Allows movement along the obstacle (only zero normal velocity).
Partial Slip
Mixes both types, with 0 being mostly no slip, and 1 being identical to free slip.

Note that if the mesh is moving, it will be treated as no slip automatically.


Example of the different boundary types for a drop falling onto the slanted wall. From left to right: no slip, partial slip 0.3, partial slip 0.7 and free slip.

Animated Mesh/Export
See Animated Mesh/Export.
Amount of mixing between no- and free-slip, described above.
Fator de impacto
Amount of fluid volume correction for gain/loss from impacting with moving objects. If this object is not moving, this setting has no effect. However, if it is and the fluid collides with it, a negative value takes volume away from the Domain, and a positive number adds to it. Ranges from -2.0 to 10.0.