Curve Tools

This add-on provides an extensive set of tools for the manipulating and editing of curves. Several CAD style curve tools are included.

Activation – Активація

  • Відкрийте Blender та перейдіть в Preferences – «Уподобання», потім у вкладку Add-ons – «Додатки».

  • Click Add Curve then Curve Tools to enable the script.

Interface – Інтерфейс

This add-on is split into sub panels with each panel having it’s own specific set of tools.

Curve Info – Інфо Кривої

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Curve Info

Curve – Крива

Print splines, segments and empty splines information to the Info header and Info editor.

Сплайн – Spline

Print splines information to the Info header and Info editor.

Segment – Сегмент

Print segments information to the Info header and Info editor.

Довжина – Length

Calculate the length of the curve and show in the add-on’s panel.

Curve Edit

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Curve Edit


Round or chamfer Bézier point fillets.

Обрис – Outline

Create an outline around a selected curve object.

Recursive Offset

Create an offsetted array.

Separate Offset/Selected

Separate the outline mesh from the original.

Subdivide – Підподіл

Subdivide selection or filleted corners.

Multi Subdivide

Subdivide with level of details.

Split at Vertex

Cuts the selected points creating openings.

Discretize Curve

Disconnect the selected points.

Array Splines

Create an array of the selected curves in Edit Mode.

Intersect – Перетин

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Intersect

2D Curve Boolean

Boolean selected curves on a 2D plane.

Intersect Curves

Create an intersection between flat curves on the same plane.

Surfaces – Поверхні

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Surfaces


It creates a surface from a profile and two paths. The order in which you select the curves and its direction is important to make this function properly.

Convert Bézier to Surface

Convert the selected curve to a NURBS surface.

Convert Faces to Bézier

Select faces and convert them to Bézier curves.


Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Surfaces ‣ Loft


Loft a mesh object between two Bézier curves.

Auto Loft

Turn on to store the loft data if you move or edit the curves.

Update Auto Loft

Press this button to update the new loft mesh position after moving or editing parent curves.


Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Sanitize

Set Origin to Spline Start

Move the origin of the curve to the first point.

Reset Scale

Reset the objects scale to (1, 1, 1).


Remove Doubles

Remove doubled points.

Short Splines

Remove selected splines based on a threshold.

Join Splines:

Join Neighboring Splines

Join selected splines based on a threshold.


Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Utilities

Curve Resolution:

Show [ESC]

Display the resolution in the interface with a colored overlay.

Spline Order:

Show [ESC]

Display and arrange the sequence.

Path Finder

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

All Modes – Усі Режими

Tool – Засіб

Sidebar ‣ Edit ‣ Utilities ‣ Path Finder

Tools for paths.

Reference – Довідка

Category – Категорія

Add Curve – Додання Кривої

Description – Опис

Adds functionality for Bézier/NURBS curve/surface modeling.

Location – Локація

Sidebar ‣ Edit tab

File – Файл

curve_tools folder


MacKracken, cwolf3d, Alexander Meißner (Lichtso)


guy lateur, Alexander Meißner (Lichtso), Dealga McArdle (zeffii), Marvin K. Breuer (MKB)

Maintainer – Підтримувач

Vladimir Spivak (cwolf3d)

License – Ліцензія


Support Level – Рівень Підтримки


Note – Примітка

Цей додаток поставляється у комплекті з Blender’ом.