Add Curve Extra Objects

This add-on groups many curve object creation add-ons into a single one.


Activation – Активація

  • Відкрийте Blender та перейдіть в Preferences – «Уподобання», потім у вкладку Add-ons – «Додатки».

  • Click Add Curve then Extra Objects to enable the script.

Interface – Інтерфейс

Located in the 3D Viewport ‣ Add ‣ Curve.

Information – Інформація

Included curve object add-ons:

Curve Profiles (Curveaceous Galore) by Jimmy Hazevoet, testscreenings

Arc, Arrow, Cogwheel, Cycloid, Flower, Helix, Noise, N-sided, Profile, Rectangle, Splat and Star types.

Braid by Jared Forsyth

Adds a Braided Knot type curve.

Celtic Knot by Adam Newgas

Wrap a mesh object in a knotted curve.

Curly Curve by Cmomoney

Adds a «Flourish» type curve.

Simple Curve by Vladimir Spivak (cwolf3d)

Point, Line, Distance, Angle, Ellipse, Arc, Sector, Segment, Rectangle, Rhombus, Polygon, Polygon ab, Trapezoid curve types.

Spirals by Alejandro Omar Chocano Vasquez

Archimedean, Logarithmic, Spherical, Torus curve types.

SpiroFit, BounceSpline and Catenary by Antonio Osprite, Liero, Atom, Jimmy Hazevoet

Spiral fit curve to mesh, Bounce Spline inside a mesh, Catenary curve between two mesh objects.

Torus Knots, by Marius Giurgi (DolphinDream), testscreenings

Adds many types of (torus) knots including ten presets.

Bevel/Taper Curve, by Cmomoney

Adds bevel and/or taper curve to active curve.

Surface Objects, by Folkert de Vries

Adds a NURBS surface Plane, Cone, Star, Wedge.

Reference – Довідка

Category – Категорія

Add Curve – Додання Кривої

Description – Опис

Add multiple extra curve object types.

Location – Локація

3D Viewport ‣ Add ‣ Curve

File – Файл

add_curve_extra_objects folder

Author – Автор

Multiple Authors

Maintainer – Підтримувач

Vladimir Spivak (cwolf3d)

License – Ліцензія


Support Level – Рівень Підтримки


Note – Примітка

Цей додаток поставляється у комплекті з Blender’ом.