Giám Sát/Rãnh

Biến Hóa

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.

Giám Sát Chuyển Động

The Track Motion menu is used to perform tracking of selected tracks (i.e. following the selected feature from frame to frame).

This operator depends on settings from the Tracking Settings panel. If during sequence tracking the algorithm fails to track some markers, they will be disabled and tracking will continue for the rest of the markers. If the algorithm fails when tracking frame-by-frame, the marker is not disabled, and the most likely position of the feature on the next frame is used.

Về Phía Sau

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Đường Chuyển Động (Motion Paths)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt

Thêm :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl- = `

Tracks the motion backward along the sequence.

Lùi Từng Khung Hình Một

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Biến Hóa (Transform) ‣ Đổi Tỷ Lệ Bán Kính (Scale Radius)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt


Tracks the motion backward by one frame.

Về Phía Trước

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Đường Chuyển Động (Motion Paths)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt


Tracks the motion forward along the whole sequence.

Tiến Từng Khung Hình Một

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Biến Hóa (Transform) ‣ Đổi Tỷ Lệ Bán Kính (Scale Radius)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt


Tracks the motion forward one frame.


Về Trước

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Xương (Bone) ‣ Biến Dạng (Deform)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt

Nhắc Lại Phép Toán Bool Shift

Đối với Toàn bộ các dấu giám sát đã được lựa chọn, xóa Toàn bộ các dấu giám sát đã theo dõi và đã khóa hóa sau khung hình Hiện Tại.

Xóa cái Đang Hoạt Động

Limits clear action to only active track (as opposite to all selected ones).

Về Sau

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Biên Soạn (Edit) ‣ Giao Cắt Nhau (Intersect)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt


Đối với Toàn bộ các dấu giám sát đã được lựa chọn, xóa Toàn bộ các theo dõi đã làm, và các dấu mốc đã được khóa hóa, trước khung hình Hiện Tại.

Xóa cái Đang Hoạt Động

Limits clear action to only active track (as opposite to all selected ones).

Đường Giám Sát

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Phụ Huynh (Parent)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt

Thêm :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl- = `

Xóa Toàn bộ các dấu mốc, ngoại trừ cái Hiện Tại, khỏi Toàn bộ các giám sát đã được lựa chọn.

Xóa cái Đang Hoạt Động

Limits clear action to only active track (as opposite to all selected ones).

Xóa Giải Nghiệm

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.

Tinh Chỉnh

This operator will run a tracker from previous keyframe to current frame for all selected markers. Current markers positions are considering initial position guess which could be updated by a tracker for better match.

Useful in cases when feature disappears from the frame and then appears again. Usage in this case is the following:

  • When feature point re-appeared on frame, manually place marker on it.

  • Use Refine Markers operation to allow tracker to find a better match.

Depending on direction of tracking use either Forwards or Backwards refining. Accordingly if tracking happens forwards, use Refine Forwards, otherwise use Refine Backwards.

Về Phía Sau

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Biên Soạn (Edit) ‣ Bề Mặt (Surfaces)

Refine the track backwards.

Về Phía Trước

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Biên Soạn (Edit) ‣ Bề Mặt (Surfaces)

Refine the track forwards.

Thêm Dấu Mốc

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cộng Thêm (Add) ‣ Bộ Cốt (Armature)

Places a new marker at the position of the mouse (which is under the button in this case, not ideal but it is just how things work) and then it can be moved to the needed location. When it is moved to the desired position, LMB can be used to finish placing the new marker. Also, Return and Spacebar can be used to finish placing the marker. But it is faster to use Ctrl-LMB to place markers directly on the footage. This shortcut will place the marker in the place you have clicked.

In addition to this until you have released the mouse button, you can adjust the marker position by moving the mouse and using the track preview widget to control how accurately the marker is placed.

Phát Hiện Điểm Đặc Trưng

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cộng Thêm (Add) ‣ Bộ Cốt (Armature)

Detects all possible features on the current frame and places markers at these features. This operator does not take other frames into account, so it might place markers on features which belong to moving objects. If the camera is turning away from this shot, no markers could be present within the frames after the camera moved away.

There are several properties for this operator:

Sắp Xếp

Controls where to place markers.

Toàn Bộ Khung Hình

Places markers throughout the whole frame.

Nội Trong Khu vực Chú Thích

Places markers inside the area outlined with the Chú Thích Công Cụ. This can be used to outline some areas with interesting features and place markers only inside the outlined area.

Ngoài Khu vực Chú Thích

Places markers outside the area outlined with the Chú Thích Công Cụ. This can be used to outline areas of no interest (like trees, humans, etc.) and place markers outside of these areas.


Controls the distance from the image boundary for created markers. If markers are placed too close to the image boundary, they will fail to track really quickly and they should be deleted manually. To reduce the amount of manual clean-up, this parameter can be used.


Limits minimal threshold for placing markers. This value comes from the feature detection algorithm and it means: low values means most probably this feature would fail to track very soon, high value means it is not much such track. Amount of markers to be added can be controlled with this value.

Khoảng Cách

Defines the minimal distance between placed markers. It is needed to prevent markers from being placed too close to each other (such placement can confuse the camera solver).

Tạo Giám Sát Mặt Phẳng

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Thanh bên (Sidebar) -> thẻ Kiến Tạo (Create tab)

The Create Plane Track operator creates a new plane track. Planar tracking takes advantage of the fact that there are often planar surfaces in footage, by attaching markers to points on these flat planes. It can be used to replace things like billboards and screens on the footage with another image or video. It also might be used for masking.

This button will create a plane object which is deforming in the same way as plane defined by all selected point tracks. At least four feature points tracked across the footage which belongs to the plane you want to replace are needed. More tracks will give better estimation of plane motion.

Feature points used to estimate plane motion could be used from any place on the plane, meaning it's not necessarily need to be corners. Corners are not always easy to be tracked, they might be occluded. In this case you can position tracked features that lay on the same plane far away from the actual plane which should be replaced.

This provides more information about the possible deformation of the marker in following frames, and such markers can be tracked even if partially occluded (appear and disappear during the time). It is only required that two neighbor frames have at least four common tracks.

An image can be projected onto the plane with the Nút Biến Dạng giám sát Mặt Phẳng compositing node.

Giải Nghiệm Phương Án Đề Cử

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Bộ Xương (Skeleton)

The Camera Motion operator solves the motion of camera using all tracks placed on the footage and two keyframes specified on this panel. There are some requirements:

  • There should be at least eight common tracks on the both of the selected keyframes.

  • There should be noticeable parallax effects between these two keyframes.

If everything goes smoothly during the solve, the average reprojection error is reported to the information space and to the Clip editor header. Reprojection error means the average distance between reconstructed 3D position of tracks projected back to footage and original position of tracks. Basically, reprojection error below 0.3 means accurate reprojection, (0.3 - 3.0) means quite nice solving which still can be used. Values above 3 means some tracks should be tracked more accurately, or that values for focal length or distortion coefficients were set incorrectly.

Hội Nhập các Giám Sát

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Đường Chuyển Động (Motion Paths)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt

Hòa Trộn Ctrl-0

This operator joins all selected tracks into one. Selected tracks should not have common tracked or keyframed markers at the same frame.

Tính Trung Bình các Giám Sát

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Động Học Ngược (IK) (Inverse Kinematics)

The Average Tracks operator creates a new tracking marker by averaging the data from the selected tracks. This can be used to improve stability of tracking on blurry or non-very-sharp feature shapes. The operator takes into account all Marker properties however, disabled markers do not affect the averaging.

Gaps in the original tracks will be linearly interpolated, to reduce result track jump. Note that this only applies to gaps "in between". This means that if a track does not have markers in the beginning or end of it, there is nothing to interpolate with and the resulting track will jump.

Duy trì bản gốc

When enabled, the selected tracks are not deleted.

Sao Chép Giám Sát

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.

Dán Giám Sát

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.

Hoạt Họa

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.

Hiện/ẩn giấu

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.

Dọn dẹp

Dọn Dẹp Giám Sát

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Vật Thể (Object) ‣ Hoạt Họa (Animation) ‣ Xóa Sạch Khung Khóa (Clear Keyframes...)

Identifies all tracks which matches settings from above and performs desired action on them.

Khung Hình được Giám Sát

Tracks or tracked segments shorter than this number of frames will be removed.

Sai Số Tái Phóng Chiếu

Tracks which has reprojection error higher than this value will be removed.

Hành Động

Several actions can be performed for bad tracks.


They can simply be selected.

Xóa Giám Sát

The whole track can be deleted.

Xóa các Phân Đoạn

Bad segments of tracked sequence can be removed.

Thanh Lọc Giám Sát

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Biến Hóa (Transform) ‣ Đổi Tỷ Lệ Bán Kính (Scale Radius)

This operator deletes obviously bad tracks (for example, the ones which are too short). Additionally, it identifies tracks which has suspicious spikes in their motion and selects them.

Xóa Giám Sát

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Bộ Xương (Skeleton)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt


Xóa địa ranh được chọn.

Xóa Dấu Mốc

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Giám Sát

Trình Đơn

Cốt (Armature) ‣ Bộ Xương (Skeleton)

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt

Nhắc Lại Phép Toán Bool Shift

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.