
EEVEE 的目标是成为交互式渲染引擎。在不影响性能的前提下,一些功能还没有加入或不可能整合进 EEVEE 的架构中。

以下是在使用 EEVEE 时您可以预见到的功能限制详尽列表。


  • 目前只支持透视和正交。


  • EEVEE 场景中仅支持最多 128 个活动灯光。

  • Only 8 Shadowed sun lights can be supported at the same time.

  • As of now, lights can only have one color and do not support light node trees.


  • EEVEE 仅支持至多 128 个活动立方体反射贴图。

  • EEVEE 仅支持至多 64 个活动的体积辐射。

  • 在相机视野内,EEVEE 仅支持最多 16 个活动的反射平面。


  • Volumetrics don't receive light from Irradiance Volumes but do receive world's diffuse lighting.

  • Eevee does not support "specular to diffuse" light bounces nor "specular to specular" light bounces.

  • All specular lighting is turned off during baking.


  • EEVEE 场景中仅支持最多 128 个活动灯光。

  • Only 8 Shadowed sun lights can be supported at the same time.


  • 仅支持单散射。

  • 体积测量只在相机的 "射线" 中呈现。它们不会出现在反射/折射和探测中。

  • Volumetrics don't receive light from Irradiance Volumes but do receive diffuse lighting from the world.

  • 体积阴影仅在体积物体上有效。它们不能在场景实物上投射阴影。

  • 仅在视锥体(视野)中的体积会有阴影。

  • Volumetric lighting do not respect the lights shapes. They are treated as point lights.


  • Alpha blended surfaces cannot be correctly handled by the post-processing blur, but will be correctly handled by the sample-based method. For this, you need to disable the post-process depth of field by setting the Max Size to 0.


EEVEE 不是光线追踪引擎,不会计算全部的光线反弹。而是使用深度缓冲区作为近似场景表示,这会降低场景缩放效果的复杂性并实现了更高的性能。EEVEE 计算那些效果时,仅计算视图范围的内容。另外它只利用一层深度,因此仅知道最前面的像素距离。


  • 屏幕空间效果会在屏幕(视图)边框消失。可以使用 过扫描 功能来修复此问题。

  • 屏幕空间效果缺乏深层信息(或者物体的厚度)。这就是为什么大多数效果都有厚度参数来控制如何考虑潜在的相交像素。

  • 这些效果不考虑混合表面。它们不是深度预处理的一部分,不会出现在深度缓冲区中。

  • 作为 阻隔集合 的一部分的对象将不会渲染成屏幕空间效果。


  • Objects are treated as infinitely thick, producing overshadowing if the Distance is really large.


  • Only one glossy BSDF can emit screen space reflections.

  • The evaluated BSDF is currently arbitrarily chosen.

  • Screen Space Reflections will reflect transparent objects and objects using Screen Space Refraction but without accurate positioning due to the one layer depth buffer.


  • Only one refraction event is correctly modeled.

  • Only opaque and alpha hashed materials can be refracted.

次表面散射 (SSS)

  • Only one BSSRDF can produce screen space subsurface scattering.

  • The evaluated BSSRDF is currently arbitrarily chosen.

  • A maximum of 254 different surfaces can use subsurface scattering.

  • Only scaling is adjustable per pixel. Individual RGB radii are adjustable in the socket default value.

  • Input radiance from each surfaces are not isolated during the blurring, leading to light leaking from surface to surface.


Motion Blur is only available in final renders and is not shown in the 3D Viewport and thus Viewport Renders.



Refraction is faked by sampling the same reflection probe used by the Glossy BSDFs, but using the refracted view direction instead of the reflected view direction. Only the first refraction event is modeled correctly. An approximation of the second refraction event can be used for relatively thin objects using Refraction Depth. Using Screen Space refraction will refract what is visible inside the view, and use the nearest probe if there is no hit.

Screen Space Reflections and Ambient Occlusion are not compatible with Screen Space Refraction; they will be disabled on the surfaces that use it. Surfaces that use Screen Space Refraction will not appear in Screen Space Reflections at the right place. Surfaces that use Screen Space Refraction will not cast Ambient Occlusion onto other surfaces.


Object volume shaders will affect the whole bounding box of the object. The shape of the volume must be adjusted using procedural texturing inside the shader.


  • 所有 BSDF 都使用近似值来实现实时性能,因此 Cycles 和 EEVEE 之间总会存在细微差别。

  • 某些实用节点尚未与 EEVEE 兼容。

See also



目前为止 EEVEE 使用 OpenGL,而且 GPU 内存处理由 OpenGL 驱动实现。理论上,只需要贴图和网格(现在称为 “资源”)作为一次(例如 一个物体)合理的 GPU 内存的请求。





作为光栅化引擎,EEVEE 仅使用 GPU 的功能进行渲染。不打算支持 CPU 渲染,因为效率太低。但工作中仍然需要 CPU 来处理场景的复杂任务,因为在渲染每个帧之前必须由 CPU 准备几何数据。


目前不支持多 GPU 系统。


There is currently no support for using Eevee on headless systems (i.e. without a Display Manager).