If this effect is enabled, all Materials will use the depth buffer and the previous frame color to create more accurate reflection than reflection probes.
If a Reflection Plane is near a reflective surface, it will be used as the source for tracing rays more efficiently and fix the partial visibility problem.

However, the reflected color will not contain the following effects: Subsurface scattering, volumetrics, screen space reflections, screen space refractions.
- 面板:
- 折射
Screen space refractions work the same way as screen space reflections and use the same parameters. But they are not enabled by default on all surfaces. Enabling it will have a small performance cost. You need to enable them in
. Materials using screen space refractions will not cast screen space reflections.- 半精度追踪
Use half resolution ray tracing. Only cast a ray for every fourth pixel. Enabling this option drastically reduces video memory usage and increases performance at the cost of quality.
- 追踪精度
Increases precision of the ray tracing but introduces more noise and lowers the maximum trace distance. Increased precision also increases performance cost.
- 厚(宽)度
- 边衰减
Smoothly fade out the reflected and refracted pixels if they are close to a screen edge. The unit is in screen percentage.
- 钳制
Clamp the reflected color intensity to remove noise and Fireflies.
See also