El panel de Metadatos.
The Metadata panel includes options for writing metadata into render output.
Only some image formats support metadata: See image formats.
- Metadata Input
Where to grab metadata from.
- Escena
Use metadata from the current scene.
- Clips del editor de video
Use metadata from the strips in the Sequencer.
- Incluir (o Incluyendo)
- Fecha
Includes the current date and time.
- Tiempo
Includes the current scene time and render frame at
.- Tiempo de procesamiento
Includes the render time.
- Marco
Includes the frame number.
- Rango de fotogramas
Includes the start and end frame numbers.
- Memoria
Includes the peak memory usage.
- Nombre del equipo
Includes the rendering machine’s hostname.
- Cámara
Includes the name of the active camera.
- Lente
Includes the name of the active camera’s lens value.
- Escena
Includes the name of the active scene.
- Marcador
Includes the name of the last marker.
- Nombre de archivo
Incluye el nombre del archivo .blend.
- Nombre del clip
Incluye el nombre del clip del editor de video que se encuentre más adelante.
Incluye una nota personalizada.
It can be useful to use the Note field if you are setting up a render farm. Since you can script any information you like into it, such as an identifier for the render node or the job number. For details on stamping arbitrary values, see: this page.
Estampar en imagen
Add metadata as text to the render.
- Tamaño de letra
Set the size of the text.
- Color del texto
Set the color and alpha of the stamp text.
- Fondo
Set the color and alpha of the color behind the text.
- Incluir etiquetas
Displays the labels before the metadata text. For example, «Camera» in front of the camera name, etc.