Editar conjunto de caras



Modo Esculpido


Barra de herramientas ‣ Editar conjunto de caras


Grow/Shrink Face Sets

Edits the Face Set under the cursor.

Opciones de herramientas


The operation to apply to the face set.

Expandir conjunto de caras

Grows the face sets boundary by one face based on mesh topology.

Contraer conjunto de caras

Shrinks the face sets boundary by one face based on mesh topology.

Borrar geometría

Deletes the faces that are assigned to the face set.

Fair Positions

Creates a smooth as possible geometry patch from the face set minimizing changes in vertex positions.

Fair Tangency

Creates a smooth as possible geometry patch from the face set minimizing changes in vertex tangents.

Modificar ocultos

Permitirá la aplicación de la operación de edición a los conjuntos de caras ocultos.