Recortar (Lazo)
- Modo
Modo Esculpido
- Herramienta
Adds or removes geometry using a Boolean operation based on a lasso selection.
Opciones de herramientas
- Modo de recorte
The operation to perform on the mesh; geometry can be either added or removed. When using the Union or Join mode the new geometry is assigned to a new Face Set. When using Difference mode, interior geometry is also added to a new face set.
- Diferencia
Removes geometry in the shape of the selection filling any holes that are created in existing geometry.
- Unión
Fills the selected outline with a new mesh and joins any intersections with existing geometry.
- Unir
Similar to Union but joins the mesh as separate geometry, without performing any Boolean operations with existing geometry.
- Orientación de la forma
The method used to orientate the trimming shape.
- Vista
Use the view to orientate the trimming shape.
- Superficie
Use the surface normal to orientate the trimming shape.
- Usar puntero para profundidad
Usará la posición y el radio para determinar las dimensiones y posición de la forma de recorte. En caso de que no estuviera establecido, la herramienta usará la profundidad completa del objeto, desde la vista de cámara.