Editor de texto

Blender has a Text Editor among its editor types, accessible via the Editor type menu, or the shortcut Shift-F11.

Vista principal

Escribir en el teclado produce texto en el búfer de texto.

Como de costumbre, al presionar, arrastrar y soltar LMB se selecciona el texto. Al pulsar RMB se abre el menú contextual.


Usages for the Text editor

The Text editor is handy also when you want to share your blend-files with others. The Text editor can be used to write in a README text explaining the contents of your blend-file. Be sure to keep it visible when saving!


Ejecución de secuencias de comandos

The most notable keystroke is Alt-P which makes the content of the buffer being parsed by the internal Python interpreter built into Blender. Before going on it is worth noticing that Blender comes with a fully functional Python interpreter built-in, and with a lots of Blender-specific modules, as described in the Secuencias de comandos y extensión de Blender section.