

The Properties, with Object properties shown.

The Properties shows and allows editing of many active data, including the active scene and object.


The Properties has several categories, which can be chosen via tabs (the icons column to its left). Each tab regroups properties and settings of a data type, and is documented in its own manual sections, linked below.

Opciones de herramienta activa y el espacio de trabajo

Esta primera pestaña contiene configuraciones para la herramienta activa (en la Vista 3D) y el espacio de trabajo actual.


Estas pestañas contienen propiedades de la escena activa.


This tabs contain settings for the active Collection.


These tabs are used to add features, and to change properties for the active object. Depending on the type of the active object, some of those will be hidden.

Datos del objeto

The main tab of that category (often the only one) always has the same name, Object Data, but its icon will change based on the actual type of the active object.

Objetos de geometría:

Objetos de sistemas de control y deformación:

Otros tipos de objetos:

Sombreado de objetos

Depending on the type of the active object, some of those will be hidden.