Mode: | Object and Edit Modes |
Hotkey: | Ctrl and/or Shift |
Manter pressionada a tecla Ctrl durante uma operação de transformação (como agarrar, rotacionar ou escalonar), irá alternar para o modo de atração para elementos durante as transformações Quando a atração para elementos durante as transformações está definida para Incremental, isto permite que as transformações sejam feitas em quantidades definidas.
Manter pressionada a tecla Shift durante uma operação de transformação irá transformar o objeto em 1/10 da velocidade, permitindo um controle muito mais refinado.
The magnitude of the transformation can be viewed in the 3D View footer. Releasing Ctrl or Shift during the transformation will cause the movement to revert back to its normal mode of operation.
Holding both Shift-Ctrl enables precise snap. This option will move the object with high precision along with the snapping constraint.
O comportamento da atração para elementos descrito nesta página somente se aplica quando a atração do tipo incremental está selecionada.
Através de atalhos¶
Press G, R or S and then hold either Ctrl, Shift or Shift-Ctrl.
Usando o manipulador de transformação¶
Hold Ctrl, Shift or Shift-Ctrl and click on the appropriate manipulator handle. Then move the mouse in the desired direction. The reverse action will also work i.e. clicking the manipulator handle and then holding the shortcut key for precision control.
Veja também
Combining with Other Controls
All of the precision controls detailed on the page can be combined with the Axis Locking controls and used with the different Pivot Points.
Agarrar e mover¶

One Blender Unit (default zoom level).
For grab/move operations at the default zoom level, holding Ctrl will cause your selection to move by increments of 1 Blender Unit (1 BU) (i.e. between the two light gray lines). Zooming in enough to see the next set of gray lines will now cause Ctrl movements to occur by 1/10 of a BU. Zooming in further until the next set of gray lines becomes visible will cause movement to happen by 1/100 of a BU and so on until the zoom limit is reached. Zooming out will have the opposite effect and cause movement to happen by increments of 10 BU, 100 BU, etc.
Veja também
Read more about zooming.
Holding Ctrl will cause rotations of 5 degrees.
Holding Ctrl will cause size changes in increments of 0.1 BU.
Modos de atração
Note that if you have a Snap Element option enabled, holding Ctrl will cause the selection to snap to the nearest element.
Read more about snapping.
Holding Shift during transformations allows for very fine control that does not rely on fixed increments. Rather, large movements of the mouse across the screen only result in small transformations of the selection.
In rotation mode the selected element will be rotate in 0.01 degree increments.
Atração para escalas de precisão¶
Agarrar e mover¶
For grab/move operations at the default zoom level, holding Shift-Ctrl will cause your selection to move by increments of 1/10 Blender Units. Holding Shift-Ctrl at any zoom level will cause the transformation increments to always be 1/10 of the increment if you were only holding Ctrl.
Holding Shift-Ctrl will cause rotations of 1 degree.
Transformações de escalonamento¶
Holding Shift-Ctrl will cause size changes in 0.01 BU increments.