Bounding Box – Габаритна Коробка


The Bounding Box node.

The Bounding Box node creates a cube with the minimum volume that encapsulates the geometry of the input. The node also can output the vector positions of the bounding dimensions.

Inputs – Уводи

Geometry – Геометрія

Standard geometry input.

Properties – Властивості

Цей вузол наразі немає властивостей.

Outputs – Виводи

Geometry – Геометрія

The resulting box or cube to encapsulate the input geometry.

Min – Мін

The coordinates corresponding to the cubes -X, -Y, -Z position values, i.e. how far the box extends in each of the negative axes directions.

Max – Макс

The coordinates corresponding to the cubes +X, +Y, +Z position values. i.e. how far the box extends in each of the positive axes directions.

Example – Приклад


Bounding Box node used to create a cube that encapsulates the geometry a monkey mesh.