Bộ Điều Chỉnh Xây Dựng
The Build modifier make strokes appear or disappear in a frame range to create the effect of animating lines being drawn or erased.
Tùy Chọn
- Chế Độ
Determines how many strokes are being animated at a time.
- Tuần Tự
Các nét vẽ xuất hiện/biến mất, cái nó sau cái kia, song chỉ mỗi cái thay đổi một lần mà thôi.
- Đồng Thời
Multiple stroke appear/disappear at a time.
If enabled you can set the Time Alignment.
- Đồng Bộ Thời Gian
- Đồng Bộ Điểm Khởi Đầu
All stroke start at the same time (i.e. shorter strokes finish earlier).
- Đồng Bộ Điểm Kết Thúc
All stroke end at the same time (i.e. shorter strokes start later).
- Chuyển Cảnh/Tiếp
Determines the animation type to build the strokes.
- Mọc Dài
Shows points in the order they occur in each stroke, from first to last stroke. (Simulating lines being drawn.)
- Co Lại
Hide points from the end of each stroke to the start, from last to first stroke. (Simulating lines being erased.)
- Phai Mờ Dần
Hide points in the order they occur in each stroke, from first to last stroke. (Simulating ink fading or vanishing after getting drawn.)
- Trì Chệ Khởi Đầu
Number of frames after each Grease Pencil keyframe before the modifier has any effects.
- Khung Hình
Maximum number of frames that the build effect can run for. (Unless another Grease Pencil keyframe occurs before this time has elapsed.)
- Sử dụng Hệ Số
Use a defined percentage factor to control the amount of the stroke that is visible.
Phạm Vi Tùy Chỉnh
If enabled, only modify strokes during the specified frame range.
- Đầu/Cuối
Determines the start and end frame for the build effect.
Bộ Lọc Tác Động
See Bộ Lọc Tác Động.