Eevee uses Shadow Mapping techniques to properly shadow the light coming directly from light objects.
A shadow map is a texture that stores the nearest occluder from the light position. Eevee also filters the shadow maps in order to smooth out the pixelated appearance.
- 面板
- 矩形尺寸
Size of the shadow cubemaps used to shadow Point, Area and Spot lights. Higher shadow map size will give higher precision and sharper shadows.
- 级联大小
级联阴影贴图 使用的一个级联的大小。仅适用于日光。
- 高位深
- 柔和阴影
Randomize the shadow maps origin to create soft shadows. It needs a lot of samples to get rid of the banding.
- 光照阈值
灯对照明有贡献的最小光照量。此阈值未考虑光的形状,因此可能不适用于每种情况。Blender提供 灯光裁剪 选项,您可以在其中设置截止距离。
The influence distance is also used as shadow far clip distance, which might affect how shadows looks. This influence distance does not affect sun lights that still have a far clip distance.
See also
A 512 px cubemap has 6 × 512 × 512 pixels in it. Tweaking the Size parameters can have a big impact on memory consumption and performance.