Package bpy :: Module types :: Class World
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[frames] | no frames]

Class World

The World Object

World datablock describing the environment and ambient lighting of a scene.


Nested Classes [hide private]
Ambient occlusion settings for a World datablock.
Mist settings for a World data-block.
Stars setting for a World data-block.
Instance Methods [hide private]
Clear animation on this this ID. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Create animation data to this ID, note that not all ID types support this. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Create a copy of this datablock (not supported for all datablocks). (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Instance Variables [hide private]
Texture active_texture
Active texture slot being displayed.
int in [0, 17] active_texture_index
Index of active texture slot.
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] ambient_color
Ambient Color
WorldAmbientOcclusion (readonly) ambient_occlusion
World ambient occlusion settings.
AnimData (readonly) animation_data
Animation data for this datablock.
boolean blend_sky
Render background with natural progression from horizon to zenith.
float in [0, 1] exposure
Amount of exponential color correction for light.
boolean fake_user
Saves this datablock even if it has no users (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] horizon_color
Color at the horizon.
Library (readonly) library
Library file the datablock is linked from. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
WorldMistSettings (readonly) mist
World mist settings.
string name
Unique datablock ID name. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
boolean paper_sky
Flatten blend or texture coordinates.
float in [0.2, 5] range
The color range that will be mapped to 0-1.
boolean real_sky
Render background with a real horizon, relative to the camera angle.
WorldStarsSettings (readonly) stars
World stars settings.
boolean tag
Tools can use this to tag data, (initial state is undefined). (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Collection of WorldTextureSlot (readonly) textures
Texture slots defining the mapping and influence of textures.
int (readonly) in [0, 32767] users
Number of times this datablock is referenced. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] zenith_color
Color at the zenith.