Screen Space Reflections

If this effect is enabled, all Materials will use the depth buffer and the previous frame color to create more accurate reflection than reflection probes.

If a Reflection Plane is near a reflective surface, it will be used as the source for tracing rays more efficiently and fix the partial visibility problem.


However, the reflected color will not contain the following effects: Subsurface scattering, volumetrics, screen space reflections, screen space refractions.


Panneau:Render ‣ Screen Space Reflections
Screen space refractions work the same way as screen space reflections and use the same parameters. But they are not enabled by default on all surfaces. Enabling it will have a small performance cost. You need to enable them in Material Properties ‣ Options. Materials using screen space refractions will not be able to cast screen space reflections.
Half Resolution Trace
Use half resolution ray tracing. Only cast a ray for every fourth pixels. Enabling this option reduces drastically video memory usage and increased performance at the cost of quality.
Trace Precision
Increases precision of the ray trace but introduces more noise and lowers the maximum trace distance. Increased precision also increases performance cost.
considérer les pixels du tampon de profondeur pendant le traçage. Des valeurs élevées vont étirer les réflexions et ajouter du. Des valeurs basses peuvent faire que le rayon manque des surfaces.
Edge Fading
Fondu sortant en douceur pour les pixels reflétés s’ils sont proches d’un bord de l’écran. L’unité est en pourcentage de l’écran.
Clamp the reflected color intensity to remove noise and fireflies.

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