


Sculpt Mode


Toolbar ‣ Pose

This brush is used to pose a model simulating armature-like deformations. Several different deformation modes can be used to perform IK deformations or altering and moving the proportions of the mesh. The falloff of the deformation across multiple segments is controlled by the brush falloff curve.

Paramètres des brosses

Deformation Target

Comment la déformation de la brosse affectera l’objet.


Brush deformation displaces the vertices of the mesh.

Cloth Simulation

Brush deforms the mesh by deforming the constraints of a cloth simulation.


Type de déformation utilisé par la brosse.


Rotates segments around a pivot point that is calculated automatically based on the radius of the brush and the topology of the model. When pressing Ctrl, the brush applies a twist rotation to the posing segments instead of using the rotation or an IK deformation.


Alters the proportions of the mesh, using the origin of the segment as a pivot. While holding Ctrl the brush moves the entire segment.


Works similar to Scale/Translate however, it applies different scale values along different axes to achieve the stretching effect. The pivot point for this mode is calculated by using the local space aligned to the segment.

Rotation Origins

Method to set the rotation origins for the segments of the brush.

Topology (Topologie)

Sets the rotation origin automatically using the topology and shape of the mesh as a guide.

Face Sets

Creates a pose segment per Face Set, starting from the active face set.

Face Sets FK

Simule une déformation de Forward Kinematics en utilisant le jeu de faces sous le curseur comme contrôle.

Pose Origin Offset

Décalage de l’origine de la pose par rapport au rayon de la brosse. Ceci est utile pour manipuler des zones ayant beaucoup de formes complexes comme les doigts.

Smooth Iterations

Contrôle la fluidité de la chute de la déformation.

Pose IK Segments

Controls how many IK bones are going to be created for posing.

Lock Rotation when Scaling

Lorsque vous utilisez Scale/Translate Deformation, ne faites pas pivoter le segment ; seule la mise à l’échelle est appliquée.

Keep Anchor Point

Keeps the position of the last segment in the IK chain fixed.

Connected Only

Causes the brush to only affect topologically connected elements. Disabling this can have an impact on performance; when disabled, keeping the Max Element Distance as low as possible will help counteract the performance impact.

Max Element Distance

Distance maximale pour la recherche de pièces détachées déconnectées dans le maillage.