Extensions Tags#

A different set of tags is available for the different extensions types. This is the list of the tags currently supported:


  • Vista 3D

  • Add Curve

  • Add Mesh

  • Animazione

  • Bake

  • Telecamera

  • Composizione

  • Sviluppo

  • Game Engine

  • Geometry Nodes

  • Grease Pencil

  • Import-Export

  • Illuminazione

  • Materiale

  • Modellazione

  • Mesh

  • Nodo

  • Oggetto

  • Pittura

  • Pipeline

  • Fisica

  • Render

  • Rigging

  • Scena

  • Sculpt

  • Sequencer

  • System

  • Editor Testi

  • Tracciamento

  • Interfaccia Utente

  • UV


  • Dark

  • Luce

  • Colorful

  • Inspired By

  • Print

  • Accessibility

  • High Contrast