Transform(トランスフォーム) パネル
- Mode(モード)
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Panel(パネル)
When nothing is selected, the panel is empty. When more than one vertex is selected, the median values are edited and "Median" is added in front of the labels.
- Control Point, Vertex
The first controls (X, Y, Z) show the coordinates of the selected point or handle (vertex). In case of a NURBS curve, there is a fourth component available (W), which defines the weight of the selected control point or the median weight.
- Space(スペース)
Global(グローバル), Local(ローカル)
- Weight(ウェイト)
Controls the "goal weight" of selected control points, which is used when a curve has Soft Body physics, forcing the curve to "stick" to their original positions, based on the weight.
- Radius(半径)
Controls the width of the extrusion/bevel along the "spinal" curve. The radius will be interpolated from point to point (you can check it with the normals).
- Tilt
Controls how the normals (visualized as arrows) twist around each control point -- so it is only relevant with 3D curves! The tilt will be interpolated from point to point (you can check it with the normals).