Visão de câmera


Demonstração de visão de câmera.

The Camera view shows the current scene as seen from the currently active camera’s view point.

The Camera view can be used to virtually compose shots and preview how the scene will look when rendered. The rendered image will contain everything within the dashed line.

Veja também

Camera Settings for details how camera settings are used for display & rendering.


The active camera can be selected while in camera view using the camera frame (assuming the object isn’t hidden).

Viewing the Active Camera


Mode:All modes
Menu:View ‣ Cameras ‣ Active Camera

This switches the view to the active camera. The triangle above the camera will become shaded when active.

Setting the Active Camera


Mode:Object Mode
Menu:View ‣ Cameras ‣ Set Active Camera

Active camera (left) displayed with a solid triangle above it.

This is the camera currently used for rendering and when viewing from the camera.

This sets the current active object as the active camera & switches to the camera view.

The active camera can also be set in the Scene tab of the Properties Editor.


The active camera, as well as the layers, can be specific to a given view, or global (locked) to the whole scene. See Local Camera.

Animated Camera Switching

By default a scene contains one camera. However, a scene can contain more than one camera, but only one of them will be used at a time. So you will only need to add a new camera if you are making cuts between them. See Animating Cameras.

Navegação em câmera

Existem diversas maneiras diferentes de navegar e posicionar a câmera em sua cena, algumas delas são explicadas abaixo.

A ampliação ou redução da visualização é possível nesta visão, mas para a alteração efetiva do ponto de visão, você terá de mover ou rotacionar a câmera.


The active «camera» might be any kind of object. So these actions can be used, for example, to position and aim a light.

Mover a câmera ativa para a vista


Mode:Object Mode

This matches the active camera to a regular (non camera) view, for a convenient method of placing the camera without having to move the object directly.

Posicionamento da visão de câmera

By enabling Lock Camera to View in the View panel of the Sidebar region, while in camera view, you can navigate the 3D View as usual, while remaining in camera view. Controls are exactly the same as when normally moving in 3D.

Veja também

Fly/Walk Mode for first person navigation that moves the active camera too.

Rolagem, Panorama, Carrinho, e Rastreamento

To perform these camera moves, the camera must first be selected so transform operations apply to it.

The following actions also assume that you are in camera view.

Having done so, you can now manipulate the camera using the same tools that are used to transform any object:

Press R to enter object rotation mode. The default will be to rotate the camera in its local Z axis (the axis orthogonal to the camera view), which is the definition of a camera «roll».
Panorama vertical ou compasso
This is just a rotation along the local X axis. Press R to enter object rotation mode, then X twice (the first press selects the global axis, pressing the same letter a second time selects the local axis – this works with any axis; see the axis locking page).
Panorama horizontal ou guinada
Isto corresponde a uma rotação em torno do eixo local Y da câmera. Pressione R, e então Y duas vezes.
Para usar o carrinho (clássico) na câmera, pressione pressione G e então ajuste com o MMB (ou pressione Z duas vezes).
Rastreamento pelas laterais
Pressione G e mova o mouse (você poderá usar tanto X quanto Y duas vezes para obter o efeito de rastreamento pelas laterias puramente horizontal ou vertical (contado como plano 2D a partir do topo).