Misturar pesos de vértices

This modifier mixes a second vertex group (or a simple value) into the affected vertex group, using different operations.


This modifier does implicit clamping of weight values in the standard (0.0 to 1.0) range. All values below 0.0 will be set to 0.0, and all values above 1.0 will be set to 1.0.


You can view the modified weights in Weight Paint Mode. This also implies that you will have to disable the Vertex Weight Mix modifier if you want to see the original weights of the vertex group you are editing.



The Vertex Weight Mix modifier panel.

Grupo de vértices A
O grupo de vértices que será afetado.
Padronização de pesos - grupo A
The default weight to assign to all vertices not in the given vertex group.
Grupo de vértices B
The second vertex group to mix into the affected one. Leave it empty if you only want to mix in a simple value.
Padronização de pesos - grupo B
The default weight to assign to all vertices not in the given second vertex group.
Modo de mistura

How the vertex group weights are affected by the other vertex group’s weights.

Substituir pesos
Replaces affected weights with the second group’s weights.
Adicionar para os pesos
Adds the values of Group B to Group A.
Subtrai dos pesos de influência
Subtracts the values of Group B from Group A.
Multiplicar pesos
Multiplies the values of Group B with Group A.
Dividir pesos
Divides the values of Group A by Group B.
Subtracts the smaller of the two values from the larger.
Adds the values together, then divides by 2.
Definições de mistura

Permite escolher quais vértices serão afetados.

Todos os vértices
Affects all vertices, disregarding the vertex groups content.
Vertices from group A
Affects only vertices belonging to the affected vertex group.
Vertices from group B
Affects only vertices belonging to the second vertex group.
Vertices from one group
Affects only vertices belonging to at least one of the vertex groups.
Vértices em ambos os grupos.
Affects only vertices belonging to both vertex groups.


When using All vertices, Vertices from group B or Vertices from one group, vertices might be added to the affected vertex group.

Opções de Influência e máscara

Those settings are the same for the three Vertex Weight modifiers, see the Vertex Weight Edit modifier page.


Here is and example of using a texture and the mapping curve to generate weights used by the Wave modifier.

Variações do canal de textura.

Usando a intensidade.


Usando o vermelho.


Usando a saturação.

Custom mapping curve with a Vertex Weight Edit modifier.

Uma curva de mapeamento personalizada.


Mapeamento personalizado desabilitado.


Mapeamento personalizado habilitado.

The blend-file, TEST_4 scene.