The Frame node is useful for organizing nodes by collecting related nodes together in a common area. Frames are useful when a node setup becomes large and confusing yet the re-usability of a Node Group is not required.
- Label Size
O tamanho da fonte do rótulo. Por exemplo, para a subordinação de quadros que possuem ladrilhos menores.
- Shrink
Once a node is placed in the Frame, the Frame shrinks around it so as to remove wasted space. At this point it is no longer possible to select the edge of the Frame to resize it, instead resizing occurs automatically when nodes within the Frame are rearranged. This behavior can be changed by disabling this option.
- Text
When you need to display more comprehensive text, frame nodes can display the contents of a text data-block. This is read-only, so you will need to use the Text Editor to modify the contents.
Juntando em um novo quadro
- Menu
- Atalho
Make a new frame including the selected nodes.
Add to Frame
- Atalho
Once a frame node is placed, nodes can be added by dropping them onto the frame or by selecting the node(s) then the frame and using Ctrl-P. This can be thought of as Parenting the selection to the frame.
Remover do quadro
- Menu
- Atalho
To remove nodes from a frame, select and use Alt-P. This can be thought of as unparenting the selection from the frame.