Dynamic Context Menu
Dynamic Context Menu provides access to many of the menus found in the 3D Viewport’s header. It also packs a few features of its own, such as the Cursor menu. Access Menu Search, Tools, Animation, Quick Favorites, Modifiers, Collections and more. It is context sensitive for the 3D Viewport’s modes and object sensitive based on object selected in Edit Mode. This add-on pairs well with the Dynamic Brush Menus.
Open Blender and go to Preferences then the Add-ons tab.
Click Interface then Dynamic Context Menu to enable the script.
If you are have trouble accessing the add-on in the interface: You may need to set the Preferences ‣ Keymaps ‣ Spacebar Action to Tools and save your preferences.
- Категория
Интерфейс (interface)
- Описание
Object and mode context sensitive pop-up menu.
- Положение (location)
3D Viewport Spacebar
- Файл (file)
space_view3d_spacebar_menu folder
- Автор
- Разработчик
- Лицензия
- Уровень поддержки
- Заметка
Этот аддон поставляется в комплекте с Blender.