Real Snow

This add-on allows you to add snow on top of objects.

The main principle behind this addon is to add a particle system of metaballs on top of the selected object and transform it to mesh.



  • Откройте Blender и перейдите в раздел «настройки», затем на вкладку «аддоны».

  • Click Object then Real Snow to enable the script.


  1. Open the Real Snow tab available in the N sidebar of the 3D Viewport.

  2. Select objects you want to add snow on top.

  3. Change the parameters and click on the «Add Snow» button to generate the snow.


  • The snow material use microdisplacement to achieve realistic result. You need to change the render engine to Cycles and Feature Set to experimental in order for microdisplacement to be working.

  • You can also add snow only on part of an object by selecting the faces in edit mode and activating the «Selected Faces» toggle in the panel.



Percentage of the area to be covered by snow.

Высота (height)

Height of the snow to apply (define the radius of the metaballs).

Выбранные грани

If enabled, only the selected faces will receive snow otherwise every face pointing up will be covered by snow.

Add Snow

Adds the snow on the selected objects.



Объект (object)


Generate snow mesh.

Положение (location)

3D Viewport ‣ Properties Panel

Файл (file)


Marco Pavanello (Wolf), Leon Zandman (Izandman), Drew Perttula


Универсальная общественная лицензия (GPL)


Этот аддон поставляется в комплекте с Blender.