Об’єми – Volumes

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«Рендер > Об’єми» – Render ‣ Volumes

Volume Step size is the distance between volume shader samples. Cycles automatically estimates this distance based on voxel size in volume objects and smoke simulations.

Render time can be reduced by increasing the step size, at the cost of potentially losing some volume detail. For procedural volume shaders that add detail, step size can be increased per object, material or world.

Render Step Rate

Global multiplier on the step size for all volumes in renders. Increase to reduce render time, at the cost of losing detail.

Viewport Step Rate

Global multiplier on the step size for all volumes in the viewport. Increase for more responsive viewport rendering.

Макс Кроків – Max Steps

Максимальна кількість кроків крізь об’єм перед відмовою, для захисту від надзвичайно тривалості рендерингу при великих об’єктах або маленьких розмірах кроків.