Cone – Конус


Cone Node.

The Cone node generates a cone mesh that is optionally truncated.

Inputs – Уводи

Vertices – Вершини

Number of points on the circle at the top and bottom. No geometry is generated if the number is below three.

Radius Top

The distance of the vertices in the top circle from the Z axis. If this is zero, the vertices in the circle are merged into one.

Radius Bottom

Same as Radius Top but for the bottom circle.

Depth – Глибина

Height of the generated cone.


If the top and bottom radius is zero, this node will output a single line.

Properties – Властивості

Тип заповнення – Fill Type

How the circles at the top and bottom are filled with faces when their radius is larger than zero.

None – Нема

Do not fill the circles.


Fill the circles with a single face.


Fill the circles with triangles connected to a new vertex on the Z axis.

Outputs – Виводи

Geometry – Геометрія

Standard geometry output.