Color Filter

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим

Sculpt Mode – Режим Ліплення

Tool – Засіб

Toolbar ‣ Color Filter

Changes the color attribute on all vertices in the mesh at the same time. To use this tool, click and drag away from the object to have a positive effect and click and drag towards the mesh to have a negative effect.

Tools Settings – Устави Засобів

Тип Фільтра – Filter Type
Fill – Заповнення

Fills in a single color.

Hue – Відтінок

Shifts the Hue of each color.

Saturation – Насиченість

Increases or decreases the saturation.

Value – Значення

Increases or decreases the values.

Brightness – Яскравість

Increases or decreases the brightness.

Contrast – Контраст

Increases or decreases the contrast.

Smooth – Згладження

Blurs or sharpens the colors.

Red – Червоний

Increases or decreases the red channel.


Increases or decreases the green channel.

Blue – Синій

Increases or decreases the blue channel.

Fill Color

Set a color that will be used for the fill filter type.

Strength – Сила

The amount of effect the filter has on the color attribute.