Các Cài Đặt của Công Cụ (Tool Settings)

Tùy Chọn về Tư Thế (Pose Options)

IK Tự Động (Auto IK)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode)

Pose Mode (Chế Độ Tư Thế)

Panel (Bảng)

Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Pose Options ‣ Auto IK

The auto IK option in the Sidebar enables a temporary IK constraint when posing bones. The chain acts from the tip of the selected bone to root of the upper-most parent bone. Note that this mode lacks options, and only works by applying the resulting transform to the bones in the chain.

Đối Xứng Hóa Trục X (X-Axis Mirror)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode)

Edit and Pose Mode

Panel (Bảng)

Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Options ‣ X-Axis Mirror

This option enables automatic mirroring of editing actions along the X axis. You can enable this option in the Tool tab ‣ Options panel, while the armature is selected in Edit Mode. When you have pairs of bones of the same name with just a different "side suffix" (e.g. ".R"/".L", or "_right"/"_left" ...), once this option is enabled, each time you transform (move, rotate, scale...) a bone, its "other side" counterpart will be transformed accordingly, through a symmetry along the armature local X axis. As most rigs have at least one axis of symmetry (animals, humans, ...), it is an easy way to keep the model symmetrical.

Đối Xứng Tương Đối (Relative Mirror)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode)

Edit and Pose Mode

Panel (Bảng)

Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Options ‣ Relative Mirror

Accounts for any relative transformations when using X-Axis Mirror.

Xem thêm

Naming bones.

Những Hạn Chế Từng Biết Đến (Known Limitations)

Relative Mirror is not supported with Auto IK enabled.