Sao Chép Vị Trí Ràng Buộc (Copy Location Constraint)

The Copy Location constraint forces its owner to have the same location as its target.

Quan trọng

Ghi chú là nếu bạn sử dụng một ràng buộc như vậy trên một xương "móc/mắc/kết nối" thì nó sẽ không có ảnh hưởng gì hết, vì nó là đỉnh của Phụ Huynh, tức cái Điều Khiển vị trí gốc xương chủ sử hữu của bạn.

Các Tùy Chọn (Options)


Copy Location panel.

Mục Tiêu (Target)

ID Dữ Liệu (Data ID) used to select the constraints target, and is not functional (red state) when it has none. See common constraint properties for more information.

Axis (Trục)

Những nút bấm này Điều Khiển trục nào là cái được ràng buộc.

Đảo Nghịch (Invert)

Invert their respective corresponding axis coordinates.

Dịch Chuyển (Offset)

When enabled, this control allows the owner to be moved (using its current transform properties), relative to its target's position.

Mục Tiêu/Chủ Nhân (Target/Owner)

Standard conversion between spaces. See common constraint properties for more information.

Tác Động/Ảnh Hưởng (Influence)

Controls the percentage of affect the constraint has on the object. See common constraint properties for more information.

Một Số Ví Dụ (Examples)

Animation (Hoạt Họa)

Let us animate the Copy Location constraint and its Offset button. For example, you can make your owner (let us call it "moon") describe perfect circles centered on the (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) point (using e.g. pydriven LocX/LocY animation curves, see Drivers), and then make it copy the location of a target (call it "earth", for example) with the Offset button enabled. Congratulation, you just modeled a satellite in a (simplified) orbit around its planet. Just do the same thing with its planet around its star (which you might call "sun", what do you think?), and why not, for the star around its galaxy.

Here is a small animation of a "solar" system created using (among a few others) the technique described above:

Note that, this "solar" system is not realistic at all (the wrong scale, the "earth" is rotating in the wrong direction around the "sun", ...).

You can download the blend-file used to create this animation.

Furthermore you can also animate a few properties of each constraint using animation curves: e.g. you can animate the Influence of a constraint. It is used to first stick the camera to the "moon", then to the "earth", and finally to nothing, using two Copy Location constraints with Offset set.