Sao Chép Ràng Buộc Biến Hóa (Copy Transforms Constraint)

The Copy Transforms constraint forces its owner to have the same transforms as its target.

Các Tùy Chọn (Options)


Copy Transforms panel.

Mục Tiêu (Target)

ID Dữ Liệu (Data ID) used to select the constraints target, and is not functional (red state) when it has none. See common constraint properties for more information.

Hòa Trộn (Mix)

Specifies how the copied transformation is combined with the existing transformation.

Thay Thế (Replace)

The new transformation replaces the existing transformation.

Trước Bản Gốc (Before Original)

The new transformation is added before the existing transformation, as if it was applied to an imaginary parent of the constraint owner. Scale is handled like in the Aligned Inherit Scale mode of bones to avoid creating shear.

Sau Bản Gốc (After Original)

The new transformation is added after the existing transformation, as if it was applied locally to an imaginary child of the constraint owner. Scale is handled like in the Aligned Inherit Scale mode of bones to avoid creating shear.

Mục Tiêu/Chủ Nhân (Target/Owner)

Standard conversion between spaces. See common constraint properties for more information.

Tác Động/Ảnh Hưởng (Influence)

Controls the percentage of affect the constraint has on the object. See common constraint properties for more information.

Ví Dụ (Example)