The editors header has a select menu that let you filter what the Outliner should show. It helps to narrow the list of objects so that you can find things quickly and easily.
- 场景
Shows everything the Outliner can display (in all scenes, all view layers, etc.).
- 视图层
Shows all the collections and objects in the current view layer.
- 视频序列编辑器
Lists data, images and videos, that are used by the Video Sequencer.
- Blender 文件
Lists all data in the current blend-file.
- 数据 API
Lists every data-block along with any properties that they might have.
- 库重写
Display library override data in the current blend-file. Separated further into two view modes:
- 属性:
Display data-blocks with overridden properties. The overridden properties are listed together with widgets to modify the value of the properties.
- 层级:
Visualize the hierarchical dependencies between data-blocks with library overrides. For example, to create a library override of a mesh used by an object inside of a linked collection, Blender automatically creates (disabled) library overrides for the object and the collection, resulting in a collection > object > mesh library override hierarchy.
This library override view mode has a column on the right side of the editor to toggle if the library is editable or not.
- 孤立的数据
Lists data-blocks which are unused and/or will be lost when the file is reloaded. It includes data-blocks which have only a fake user. You can add/remove Fake User by clicking on cross/tick icon in the right side of the Outliner editor.
You can search the view for data-blocks, by using Search field in the header of the Outliner,
- 限制开关
Set which Restriction Columns should be visible.
- 按首字母排序
- 选区同步
Sync Outliner selection to and from the 3D Viewport and Video Sequencer editors. Disable to manage collections, object relations, and scene data without changing the selection state. Selection syncing is only available in Scenes, View Layer, and Video Sequencer display modes.
- 显示模式列
Show the object mode toggling column in View Layer and Scenes display modes.
- 完全匹配
The results of 显示过滤 must match the full text and not just a part of it.
- 区分大小写
The results of 显示过滤 are case sensitive.
Some options will only show if compatible with the active Display Mode.
- 全部视图层
Toggle between only the active or all the view layers of the scene. Combined with disabling the Objects filter it gives a compact overview of all the collections in relation to the view layers.
- 集合
List the objects and collections under the collection hierarchy of the scene. Objects may appear in more than one collection.
- 物体
List of all the objects, respecting the other filter options. Disabled only if you need an overview of the collections without the objects.
- 物体状态
List the objects based on their state or restrictions. The results can be inverted using the Invert button.
- 全部:
The default option, no restrictions.
- 可见:
List only the objects visible in the viewports. The global and temporary visibility settings are taken into consideration.
- 不可见:
List only the objects not visible in the viewports.
- 选中项:
Lists the object(s) that are currently selected in the 3D Viewport. See selecting in the 3D Viewport for more information.
- 活动:
Lists only the active (often last selected) object.
- 可选:
List all objects whose Selectability option is enabled.
- 物体内容
List materials, modifiers, mesh data, ...
- 物体子级
List the object children. If the Collections option is enabled, you will see the object children even if the children are not in the collection. Yet the Outliner shows them as a dashed line.
- 数据块
Allows you to filter out certain data-blocks currently present in the scene.
- 系统覆写
Shows the data-block properties that are defined/controlled automatically (e.g. to make users of an overridden data-block point to the override data, not the original linked data). Only available in the Library Overrides Display Mode.
- 新集合(视图层)
Add a new collection inside selected collection.
- 按类型过滤(孤立的数据,Blender 文件)
- 插帧集(数据 API)
Add/Remove selected data to the active Keying Set.
- 驱动
- 清除(孤立的数据)
Recursively remove all unused data-blocks from the file (cannot be undone).
The far left of the Outliner contains a region to toggle the current Object Mode. When an object is in a mode other than Object Mode, the mode icon will be displayed in this region. Any other objects that are valid to be added or swapped into the current mode display a dot. Clicking the dot icon will swap that object with the current active object. For modes that support 多物体编辑, Ctrl-LMB on the dot icon will add that object to the current mode. Clicking the mode icon next to the active object removes it or all other objects from the current mode depending if multiple object are in the same mode.
The following toggles, in the right side of the Outliner editor, are available for collections, objects, bones, modifiers and constraints.
By default only the temporary viewport visibility is enabled. The other options can be enabled in the Restriction Toggles option in the Outliner filter.
Holding Shift sets or unsets the value to all its child collections or objects.
Holding Ctrl isolates the object or collection, so they are the only ones with its value set.
- 启用集合(勾选图标,仅集合)
Exclude the collection from the view layer.
- 可见性(眼睛图标)
Toggles the visibility of the object or collection in the 3D Viewport. This is a file-local setting, and does not get imported when this data-block is linked into another blend-file. Objects hidden this way are still part of the View Layer and evaluated, so they still affect playback performance.
The following options are hidden by default and need to be enabled in the Outliner Filter before they can be used.
- 可选性(鼠标光标图标)
切换从 3D 视口中选择物体的功能。如果您已在场景中放置了某些内容,并且不想在处理其他内容时意外选择它,这将非常有用。
- 全局视图可见性(屏幕图标)
This will still render the object/collection, but it will be ignored by all the viewports. Often used for collections with high-poly objects that need to be instanced in other files. Objects hidden this way are no longer part of the View Layer, are not evaluated, and such do not negatively affect playback performance.
- 渲染(相机图标)
This will still keep the object visible in the scene, but it will be ignored by the renderer. Usually used by support objects that help modeling and animation yet do not belong in the final images.
- 阻隔(仅限集合)
Mask out objects in collection from view layer.
- 仅间接(仅限集合)
Objects in these collections only contribute to indirect light -- Cycles only.