Modificador Fusionar

The Weld modifier looks for groups of vertices within a threshold and merges them, collapsing the surrounding geometry.



El modificador Fusionar.


Method for choosing which vertices are merged.


Merge includes all geometry including loose parts.


Merge only includes attached geometry i.e. the modifier will not merge loose parts together.


Maximum distance that the vertices must have each other to be merged.

Only Loose Edges Connected Mode

Only collapse short edges which are not adjacent to any face. This is useful for example to stitch the seams used in cloth simulations.

Grupo de vértices

When the Vertex Group option is selected, only vertices with weight above zero will be affected by the modifier.

Invertir <->

Inverts the influence of the selected vertex group, meaning that the group now represents vertices that will not be merged by the modifier.

Esta opción invierte los valores de las influencias del grupo.