Fly/Walk Mode

There are cases where it’s preferable to navigate with first person controls, especially for large environments such as architectural models. In these cases orbiting around the view center is limiting. While zoom, pan & dolly can be used, it’s inconvenient.

With walk/fly modes you can navigate around the scene where view rotation is performed from the cameras location.


Navegação na visualização.

In the Preferences editor select the navigation mode you want to use as default when invoking the View Navigation operator. Alternatively you can call the individual modes from the View Navigation menu.

Common use cases for walk/fly include:


This can be a quick way to navigate a large scene.

Camera Placement

When activated from a camera view, this will move the camera too.

Recording Animation

Running from a camera with auto-keyframe and playing animation will record the motion as you make it allowing you to record the walk-through.

Modo de caminhada



All modes




View ‣ Navigation ‣ Walk Navigation

Ao ser ativado este modo, o ponteiro do mouse irá se mover para o centro da visualização e um marcador em formato de cruz aparecerá…

This navigation mode behaves similar to the first person navigation system available in most 3D world games. It works with a combination of keyboard arrow keys and mouse movement.


  • Move the mouse in the direction you want to look.

  • Arrow keys or W, A, S, D move forwards/backwards and strafe left/right.

  • Teleport Spacebar.

    This moves you to the location at the cross-hair (offset by the camera height value set in the Preferences).

  • Saltar V – somente no modo de gravidade.

  • Mover o panorama para cima ou para baixo Q, E – somente no modo livre.

  • Alternar entre os modos livre e gravidade Tab.

  • Change the movement speed:

    • WheelUp or NumpadPlus to increase the movement speed for this open session.

    • WheelDown or NumpadMinus to decrease the movement speed for this open session.

    • Shift (hold) – to speed up the movement temporarily.

    • Alt (hold) – to slow down the movement temporarily.

Quando você estiver satisfeito com a nova visualização, clique com o click BEM to confirmar a posição da câmera. No caso de você querer retornar ao local de onde iniciou o modo de navegação atual, pressione Esc or BDM, como usualmente.

If the defaults values (speed, mouse sensitivity, …) need adjustments for your project, in the Preferences you can select a few options for the navigation system:

Modo de voo



All modes




View ‣ Navigation ‣ Fly Navigation

On activation the cursor is centered inside a rectangle that defines a safe region. When the cursor is outside this region the view will rotate/pan.


  • Move the mouse outside the safe region in the direction you want to look.

  • Move the view forward/backward:

    • WheelUp or NumpadPlus to accelerate the movement forward.

    • WheelDown or NumpadMinus to accelerate the movement backward.

      Portanto, se a visualização está se movendo para frente, Rodar para baixo ou Tecl. Num. - irá eventualmente parar este movimento e então fará com que ele comece a retroceder, etc…

  • MMB Drag to pan the view.

    In this case the view can move laterally on its local axis at the moment you drag the mouse.

  • Shift precision (slow the momentum).

  • Ctrl disable rotation.

    While held, the view rotation doesn’t influence the flight direction, this allows you to fly past an object, keeping it centered in the view, even as you fly away from it.

Quando você estiver satisfeito com a nova visualização, clique com o click BEM to confirmar a posição da câmera. No caso de você querer retornar ao local de onde iniciou o modo de navegação atual, pressione Esc or BDM, como usualmente.