

Bảng Chất Liệu Stucci.

The Stucci texture is based on noise functions. It is often used for stone, asphalt, or oranges, normally for bump mapping to create grainy surfaces.

Các Tùy Chọn (Options)

Nhựa / Chìm / Nổi (Plastic / Wall In / Wall out)

Plastic is the standard Stucci, while the "walls" is where Stucci gets it name. This is a typical wall structure with holes or bumps.

Mềm Mại / Sắc Cạnh (Soft / Hard)

There are two methods available for working with Noise.

Kích Thước (Size)

Kích thước của bảng Nhiễu.

Hỗn Loạn (Turbulence)

Depth of the Stucci calculations.