Máy Chơi Hoạt Họa (Animation Player)

The animation player is a utility typically used for previewing rendered animations, supporting all image and video formats also supported by Blender. This is a convenient way to play back image sequences at the correct frame rate.

Cách Sử Dụng (Usage)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Trình Đơn (Menu)

Topbar ‣ Render ‣ View Animation

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt (Shortcut)


Launching the animation player opens a new window, playing back images or a video located at the render output of the current scene. You can also drop images or movie files in a running animation player. It will then restart the player with the new data.


An external player can also be used instead of the one included in Blender. To do this, select it in the Preferences.

Đường Cắt Ngắn (Shortcuts)

The following table shows the available hotkeys for the animation player.

Chơi Lại (Playback)

Hành Động (Action)

Phím Nóng (Hotkey)


Dấu Cách (Spacebar)

Start playback (when paused):




Lịch Trình Thời Gian (Timeline)

Hành Động (Action)

Phím Nóng (Hotkey)

Scrub in time:


Step back one frame:

Trái (Left)

Step forward one frame:

Phải (Right)

Step back 10 frames:

Xuống (Down)

Step forward 10 frames:

Lên (Up)

Manual frame stepping:

Dấu Chấm (.) Bàn Số (NumpadPeriod)

Các Tùy Chọn về Chơi Lại (Playback Options)

Hành Động (Action)

Phím Nóng (Hotkey)

Backward playback:

Shift-Xuống (Down)

Hướng Trước/Hướng Lên Trên

Shift-Lên (Up)

Slow down playback:

Dấu Trừ (-) Bàn Số (NumpadMinus)

Speed up playback:

Dấu Cộng (+) Bàn Số (NumpadPlus)

Toggle looping:

Số 0 Bàn Số (Numpad0)

Toggle frame skipping:


Toggle ping-pong:


Hiển Thị (Display)

Hành Động (Action)

Phím Nóng (Hotkey)

Toggle Playhead (Indicator):


Flip image on the X axis:


Flip image on the Y axis:


Hold to show frame numbers:


Phóng to:

Ctrl-Dấu Cộng (+) Bàn Số (NumpadPlus)

Thu nhỏ:

Ctrl-Dấu Trừ (-) Bàn Số (NumpadMinus)

Frame rate

  • 60 fps Numpad1

  • 50 fps Numpad2

  • 30 fps Numpad3

  • 25 fps Numpad4

  • 24 fps Shift-Numpad4

  • 20 fps Numpad5

  • 15 fps Numpad6

  • 12 fps Numpad7

  • 10 fps Numpad8

  •  6 fps Numpad9

  •  5 fps NumpadSlash

Sử Dụng Bộ Nhớ Đệm Khung Hình (Frame Cache)

Image files are cached during playback for faster access.

While loading images isn't always a bottleneck, there are situations where high resolution images may slow down playback causing frame skipping.

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Memory Cache Limit preference to control this limit, which may be increased to cache more images during playback. Tùy Chọn Chơi Lại Hoạt Họa (Animation Playback Options) to specify this value when launching from the command line.