Vòm Trắc Địa
Original introduction from Andy Houston (Blender 2.4 series)
Geodesic spheres based on icosahedrons, octahedrons and tetrahedrons.
Triangular, hexagonal and hex/tri combo face options.
A function that turns the current shape into its geometric dual (sort of).
Grid, Cylinder, Parabola, Torus and Ball primitives.
Hubs and Struts. Fill out those edges and vertices with your custom, decorative meshes.
Superformula deforming. Create rounded triangles, wobbly shapes, etc.
Introduction by Brendon Murphy (Blender 2.6/7 series)
This script can be used to create geodesic objects, not limited to domes or spheres.
Each mesh type created has it's own set of editable parameters.
By editing the parameters, you can create many simple or complex mesh shapes.
Create an equal-sided pyramid, a soccer ball, a wine glass and more.
Limited only by your imagination (and some cool math limitations).
Create complex mesh deformations with the superformula parameters.
In the next section we will cover the menu types and how to use the parameters to "design" your mesh.
Kích Hoạt
Mở Blender và chuyển đến Cấu Hình, sau đó đến thẻ Trình Bổ Sung.
Click Add Mesh then Geodesic Domes to enable the script.
Hướng Dẫn
- Chính
The Main menu is where you will do most of your work. The geodesic default triangle will be shown in the 3D Viewport and the Object Creation parameters can be accessed here. Please note: I find it's easier to use the Object Creation parameters first before moving on to Faces, Struts and Hubs, these will be explained in the sections below.
For now, let's look at the Object Types and their parameters:
- Vật Thể
There are six Object types you can create by default. Using the parameters you can build upon these objects to create more object types. Object Types have unique parameter sets and share the Superformula parameters (described below).
Thể Loại Lớp Vật Thể Trắc Địa
- Trắc Địa
Please note, the Frequency parameters have a high impact on object creation. To create a Geodesic Dome you must increase the Frequency or the default Triangle.
- Phân Chia Cơ Bản/Hình Tam Giác
Class 1 is the "equilateral triangle". Class 2 is the "cube".
- Số Diện
Choose between Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron.
- Điểm/Chấm
Point (vertex), edge or face pointing upwards.
- Hình Dạng
Choose between tri, hex or star face types.
- Làm/Tròn
Choose between spherical or flat. (May not work for all object types.)
Tham Số của Vật Thể Trắc Địa
- Tần Số
Subdivide base triangles.
- Bán Kính
Overall radius.
- Độ Lệch Tâm
Scaling on the X/Y axis.
- Nén Ép
Scaling on the Z axis.
- Vuông (X/Y)
Superellipse action in X/Y.
- Vuông (Z)
Superellipse action in Z.
- Xoay Chiều (X/Y)
Rotate superellipse action in X/Y.
- Xoay Chiều (Z)
Rotate superellipse action in Z.
- Hai/lưỡng/kép/đôi/hai mặt/gấp đôi/tay đôi/ đôi/(toán học) đối ngẫu/số đôi/từ thuộc số đôi
Faces become vertices, vertices become faces, edges flip.
Thể Loại Vật Thể Trắc Địa
There are six Object types you can create. Each type has it's own set of parameters. As you can see most menu items are self explanatory. The tooltips will give you further information on individual parameters.
- Khoảng cách/phân khoảng cách trống/khe/kẽ hở
Shrink faces in direction. Add or remove rows of faces based on height (Z) or (X/Y).
- Pha (Sóng)
Rotate around a pivot. Useful for rotating deformation or use with Gap.
Nhập Khẩu Khung Lưới của Bạn
You can import your own mesh into Geodesic Domes for use within the script. This is limited to the Faces, Struts and Hubs menus.
Bề Mặt
This Section adds extrusions and edits face structures on a mesh.
Giằng Chống
This section allows you to extrude an object along the edges of a mesh.
Trục Tâm
This section allows you to place an object at the vertex on a mesh.