Sắp Đặt Công Cụ

Tùy Chọn

Tham Chiếu

Chế Độ

Chế Độ Vật Thể và Chế Độ Tư Thế

Tiêu Đề

Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Biên Soạn (Edit) ‣ Thường Trình (Utilities)

Biến Hóa

Duy Tác Động
Tọa độ gốc Ctrl-Dấu Chấm (Period)

Directly transforms the object's origin. This only works for objects with data which can be transformed; i.e. it will not work on object lights.

When enabled, the object axes are displayed.

Take care using this option since it transforms the object-data which may cause linked duplicates to be moved unintentionally.

Gợi ý

Changing the object location and the object-data may impact modifiers, constraints and keyframe animation.

If you are only temporarily setting the pivot point, use the 3D cursor instead.

Vị Trí

Changes the position of the object's origin relative to another point during transformation. In other words, the pivot point and the origin cannot share the same location. This will not affect the object local transforms, just its position in world space.

In the examples below, a comparison of the scaling and rotation of objects, when Location is enabled (middle) and disabled (right).


Ví dụ về quá trình xóa.


Ví dụ: về đổi tỷ lệ.

Phụ Huynh

Transforms Parent Objects while leaving their children objects unaffected.