Phần Tử Đang Hoạt Động (Active Element)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Chế Độ (Mode)
Chế Độ Đối Tượng và Chế Độ Biên Soạn
- Tiêu Đề (Header)
- Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt (Shortcut)
Dấu Chấm (Period)
Places the pivot point at the active element, which is the element that was selected most recently.
Trong Chế Độ Đối Tượng (In Object Mode)
When in Object Mode, rotation and scaling happen around the origin of the active object, which is the element with a lighter outline than the others.
The effect of the pivot point is shown in the image below, where the active object (the cube) remains in the same location while the others move.
Điểm bắt đầu, xoay chiều và đổi tỷ lệ.
Trong Chế Độ biên soạn (In Edit Mode)
When in Edit Mode, rotation and scaling happen around the centerpoint of the active element, which is the element with a white outline. That centerpoint remains in the same location while everything else is transformed around it.
The image below illustrates rotation around the active vertex, edge, and face. Each time, the active element rotates in place, while the others "orbit" around it. In the case of vertices, the active vertex is not changed at all, as a vertex on its own is just a point that has no concept of rotation.
Left column: starting situation, right column: after rotation.